Pick Your Passion.

  • 1 : 1 Coaching (90 day)

    Which area of your life is begging to be transformed into something better? This package takes your aches and pains and turns them into fuel for the new badass you.

    Watch the beautiful unfolding and alchemizing of your area of powerlessness into a new set of consistent and real results, and only in 90 days time!

  • 1 :1 Coaching (6 mo.)

    Do you have several areas of powerlessness in your life (let’s face it, the roots of bad habits run wide and deep) and you really want to make sure you ‘get it right this time’?

    This package offers a thorough, deep dive into your area(s) of powerlessness. With six months to do the work, results are highly defined and deeply imbedded. We really make sure self sabotage gets the boot.

  • Curated Program

    Are you looking for something that covers ALL THE THINGS and offers a flexible timeline? Maybe you want to throw in extra elements of magic and exploration too!

    This package offers a buffet style coaching program, which we’ll build and map out together. This package is the most in-depth and personal package offered, and definitely hands down the most fun.